Monkeys in My Hair—Evie (41” x 48”) by Deborah Hyde. The 2023 Handi Quilter Best of Show winner. Photo by Mike McCormick.
Each year, the International Quilt Festival in Houston hosts the art form’s most prestigious Judged Show, featuring entries by quilters from the well-known to the newly skilled. These talented artists from all over the world submit their work to compete for cash prizes in themed categories.
A total of 18 winners from last year’s event will be on display in the exhibit Houston International Quilt Festival Prizewinners 2023. The quilts are all outstanding and will have Museumgoers studying each for their beauty, ingenuity, and techniques.
“We are very lucky this year, we can include the Handi Quilter Best of Show in the Museum exhibit. Most often, the Best of Show is already committed to other venues during this time frame,” Mangum says. This exhibit is sponsored by the Lucille Gaebler Klein Fund.