December 2024 Ezine

News & Events

New Exhibits Celebrate 50 Years of Festival, Judged Show Winners, and Legend Libby Lehman!

LA GRANGE, TEXAS—January 7, 2025—The Texas Quilt Museum ushers in the new year with three knockout exhibits sure to enthrall art lovers across its three galleries: “Red, White and Blue Quilts from International Quilt Festival’s 50th Anniversary,” International Quilt Festival 2024 Judged Show Prizewinners,” and “Libby Lehman: The Art of Quilting.” The exhibits will open on January 9 and run through April 26.

Red, White and Blue Quilts from International Quilt Festival’s 50th Anniversary showcases 34 quilts in that color scheme which were also displayed (some from the ceiling!) at Quilt Festival’s golden anniversary show last year. They certainly represent a variety of themes, topics, techniques, and designs. This exhibit is partially sponsored by Reynolds & Associates CPA Firm.

“The display was awe inspiring! Everyone who saw it will never forget it, and we’re lucky to have a selection of those quilts with us,” says Museum Curator Vicki Mangum. “And because a number of them were hung high in the air, this will provide an opportunity to see these beauties really up close in the Museum.”

International Quilt Festival 2024 Judged Show Prizewinners features eight quilts which won a top award in the recent Judged Show which also debuted last fall in Houston. The Museum will showcase two Master Award winners, a Judge’s Choice, and several category winners. 

“Judged Show Winners are always a wonder to behold. We’re grateful to have some of the year’s top quilts with us,” Mangum offers.

Finally, “Libby Lehman: The Art of Quilting” celebrates the groundbreaking creativity and techniques in quilting pioneered by Lehman, one of the best-known fabric artists in the world.

Of special note among the 13 works chosen for this exhibit is Lehman’s Joy Ride, which was picked as one of “The 20th Century’s 100 Best American Quilts.”

Lehman—who retired from quilting in 2013 after some health issues—has also been a popular teacher, author, and television personality. “Libby is considered one of the world's top innovators of machine stitching,” Mangum adds. “Her quilts were and are easily identifiable based on the use of thread work. You couldn’t find a better teacher anywhere!”


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Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays
10 am- 4 pm

*Private tours are available by appointment.

General Admission / $10
Seniors (60+) & Students / $8
*Tours of 20+ / $8

*Must be arranged in advance.

Call: 979.968.3104
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140 W Colorado Street
La Grange, Texas 78945


March 22, 2025

Visitor of the Day!

What a fun group! These lovely friends from Houston, standing with the quilt “Tulips” in the current exhibit from the “2024 International Quilt Festival Winners”. L to R: Julie Jackson, Laurie O’Halla, Becky Carson, Ann Ault, and Annie Bullock